Whip Tutorials
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Using Dwf files to insert/open Dwg files
Viewing Dwf files Within a Browser

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Using Dwf files to insert/open Dwg files
Step Number


Using a dwf file to insert/open a drawing version into Autocad...This can be troublesome if not done correctly. To insert/open the original dwg version of a dwf.
Firstly,the dwf conversion must be in the same directory as the dwg.

In later versions of Whip or in Volvo Express the Whip replacement there will be an option to include the directory location of the drawing version of the dwf file.

Below is a step by step guide to inserting/opening a dwf file into autocad using dwf files. The operating system was Win 98 and the Browser was IE5.



Inserting a dwg file into an open drawing
using dwf as reference

With the window of dwf open Hold down the Control key and then hold down the left mouse button and drag...



        drag the cursor from the browser window to the Taskbar and hold over the open Autocad Session.. In a second or two..    




It should bring that window to the fore,
then move the mouse to over the actual window,
let go of the mouse button to insert the dwg version of the dwf into the current Autocad session.Proceed as you would inserting blacks/drawings as normal.




Opening a New dwg file using dwf as reference

With the window of dwf open Hold down the Control key and Shift and then hold down the left mouse button and drag...

The rest is as above with steps 2 and 3.



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Viewing Dwf files Within a Browser
Step Number



If you the dwf extension associated with your prefered browser then double clicking the file will load the dwf into the browser window.

If you don't then in explorer...
you can select dwf file with left mouse button, hold down the button and drag...



        drag the cursor to the taskbar and hold over the open Internet Explorer. In a second or two...      




It should bring that window to the fore,
then move the mouse to over the actual window,
let go of the mouse button to load the dwf into the browser.




Alternatively, with access to the desktop icon of your browser...
You can follow step 1...
hold and drag the cursor over the icon of the browser and let go.
The browser will open a new window with the dwf loaded.



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